Our Beneficiaries
Since inception, RJS Life Care provided its services to thousands of beneficiaries in Pakistan through Right advise Free Medical Camps, Haq ul Naas Food drive, “Mein bhi Insaan Hun” awareness sessions for Transgenders with School children, Flood Relief in Food and health and Maternal & Child Healthcare center Thal – Desert Pakistan.
Food Provided
Disaster Relief
Medical Help
Awareness & Education
Gender Equality & Empowerment
To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls RJS Life Care believes in enhancing the use of information and communication technology. Digital education of women & girls is necessary for achieving the task.
Environmental Sustainability
To take urgent action &to combat clima techanges and its impacts RJS Life Care done best in its capacity for 2022 flood affected people of Pakistan in Food & Health relief and Rehabilitation. Timely actions against climate changes are necessary to keep safe our offspring.
Good Health and Well– Being
To Ensure Healthy Lives and Promote Well-Being In The Society RJS LIFECARE Providing Free of Cost Medical Services through the Project “Right Advise” by conducting Free Medical Camps each year. sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
RJS Life Care aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for ruler girls and empower the deprived and deserted women by technical education to become skillful. “DEER Daughters” acronym of Digital Education for Empowerment of Ruler Daughters (Girls) is the RJS Life Care upcoming project to uplift the women & girls residing in Thal – Desert Pakistan
Our Team

Dr. Rashid Jahanger

Dr. ShabanaShoukat
Founder/ President

Ambassador (Retd) Safdar Hayat
Executive Director

Mr. Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah
Managing Director

Mr. Nasir Khan
Director Programs

Ms. Maryam Naba
Director R&D/ Volunteer Program

Dr. Mulazim Hussain
Director Medical & Health Services

Mr. Adnan Gillani
Director Finance

Mr. Majid Jahangir
Director IT/Media