Mein bhi-Insaanhun for Transgenders Social Equity
To create awareness about the predicaments being faced by the most marginalized segment of the society i.e Intersex/transgender,RJS Life Care started this pilot project viz. “Main bhi – Insaan Hun” in 2021. In this regard, our teams visited some schools in and around Islamabad. As is evident from its name, Main bhi Insaan Hun i.e‘I am also a human being’ was designed to create awareness about inter sex/transgender community.The aim was to ensure that they were treated like normal human beings, are not mocked at, ridiculed, and considered a stigma by the family members. It was also emphasized that the problem they faced could be cured in the majority of cases. Since their problem by and large starts in the very family they were born in, creating awareness among children was considered to be the first step.
As per survey conducted by RJS Life Care it was observed that most of the members of the intersex /transgender community leave their homes and family at an early age due to discriminatory treatment as well as molestation at schools.Unfortunately, in Pakistan the family considers them a stigma, try to hide their identity, impose restrictions on their movement/ socializing etc. As a result, a gap occurs between them and their family which widens with the passage of time and ultimately either they are asked to leave or they themselves leave their family and join their community. Once they join their community under the control of a ‘guru’they are forced to beg and dance and even act as sex workers.
Our interaction with the school children was very encouraging in the sense that they showed a lot of understanding of this otherwise difficult topic and responded very positively to our message.
As per our findings from theinteraction with this community and other community-based surveys, the community is faced with multiple problemswhich need to be dealt with in a wholistic manner. For instance, we need to, inter alia, provide them with education, training, job opportunities, rehabilitation, medical facilities etc. They need to be given incentives to leave their present way of life and start having a decent living. This is not easy but very much doable. It is our firm belief that if this campaign is launched on a larger scale, it will help mainstream this marginalized segment of society to a great extent. RJS Life Care is ready to join hands with donor agencies to launch this project on a larger scale to address this problem in its entirety.
Purposes of the Mein bhi –Insaan hun
The purpose of this novel project isto give theintersex/transgender community their proper space in a society free of any discrimination and social stigma. Where they can get ample opportunities for education, training, jobs etc. and live as an active member of society.
To achieve the sustainable development goals, Goal-4, Goal-5, Goal-10, Goal-16 and Goal-17 under the pilot project “Mein bhiInsaanhun” RJS Life Care conducted activities in several schools (rural & urban) of Islamabad Capital Territory of Pakistan.
Mein bhi – Insaanhun - a novel project of RJS Life Care canhelp create an inclusive and equitable society where all individuals, regardless of gender can thrive and contrib